
80+ Publications 18K Citations

Below are a selection of just some of the important peer reviewed publications that have been integral to the development of our technology

Understanding human behaviour based on face and voice analysis:

Spectral representation of behaviour primitives for depression analysis

S Song, S Jaiswal, L Shen, M Valstar

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

Automatic detection of ADHD and ASD from expressive behaviour in RGBD data

S Jaiswal, MF Valstar, A Gillott, D Daley

2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture …

Design and Evaluation of Virtual Human Mediated Tasks for Assessment of Depression and Anxiety

JO Egede, D Price, DB Krishnan, S Jaiswal, N Elliott, R Morriss, ...

Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …

Designing an Adaptive Embodied Conversational Agent for Health Literacy: a User Study

J Egede, MJG Trigo, A Hazzard, M Porcheron, E Bodiaj, JE Fischer, ...

Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …

Self-supervised Learning of Person-specific Facial Dynamics for Automatic Personality Recognition

S Song, S Jaiswal, E Sanchez, G Tzimiropoulos, L Shen, M Valstar

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

Affective Processes: stochastic modelling of temporal context for emotion and facial expression recognition

E Sanchez, MK Tellamekala, M Valstar, G Tzimiropoulos

Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …

How to distinguish posed from spontaneous smiles using geometric features

MF Valstar, H Gunes, M Pantic

Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, 38-45

Personality Recognition by Modelling Person-specific Cognitive Processes using Graph Representation

Z Shao, S Song, S Jaiswal, L Shen, M Valstar, H Gunes

Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 357-366

Fundamental face analysis

Fully automatic recognition of the temporal phases of facial actions

MF Valstar, M Pantic

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 42 …

Action unit detection using sparse appearance descriptors in space-time video volumes

B Jiang, MF Valstar, M Pantic

2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …

Audio-Visual Predictive Coding for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning

MK Tellamekala, M Valstar, M Pound, T Giesbrecht

2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 9912-9919

Deep learning the dynamic appearance and shape of facial action units

S Jaiswal, M Valstar

2016 IEEE winter conference on applications of computer vision (WACV), 1-8

Local evidence aggregation for regression-based facial point detection

B Martinez, MF Valstar, X Binefa, M Pantic

IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (5), 1149-1163

Cascaded continuous regression for real-time incremental face tracking

E Sánchez-Lozano, B Martinez, G Tzimiropoulos, M Valstar

European Conference on Computer Vision, 645-661

A transfer learning approach to heatmap regression for action unit intensity estimation

I Ntinou, E Sanchez, A Bulat, M Valstar, Y Tzimiropoulos

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

Social robotics and virtual assistants

Building autonomous sensitive artificial listeners

M Schroder, E Bevacqua, R Cowie, F Eyben, H Gunes, D Heylen, ...

IEEE transactions on affective computing 3 (2), 165-183

Databases, benchmarks, and tools

The semaine database: Annotated multimodal records of emotionally colored conversations between a person and a limited agent

G McKeown, M Valstar, R Cowie, M Pantic, M Schroder

IEEE transactions on affective computing 3 (1), 5-17

The first facial expression recognition and analysis challenge

MF Valstar, B Jiang, M Mehu, M Pantic, K Scherer

2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …

Avec 2013: the continuous audio/visual emotion and depression recognition challenge

M Valstar, B Schuller, K Smith, F Eyben, B Jiang, S Bilakhia, S Schnieder, ...

Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international workshop on Audio/visual emotion …

The NoXi database: multimodal recordings of mediated novice-expert interactions

A Cafaro, J Wagner, T Baur, S Dermouche, M Torres Torres, C Pelachaud, ...

Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal …

Web-based database for facial expression analysis

M Pantic, M Valstar, R Rademaker, L Maat

2005 IEEE international conference on multimedia and Expo, 5 pp.

For a complete set of relevant publications, please see Prof Valstar’s Google Scholar account.